
Applying colored text or a background from your palette is easy with these utilities.


Use has-X-text to modify an element’s text color, where X is a color from $color-full-palette in _config.scss.

I'm using $color-primary!

I'm using $color-gray800!

I'm using $color-success!

<p class="has-primary-text-color">I'm using $color-primary!</p>
<p class="has-gray800-text-color">I'm using $color-gray800!</p>
<p class="has-success-text-color">I'm using $color-success!</p>


Similar to text, use has-X-bg to modify an element’s background-color, where X is a color from $color-full-palette.

I'm using $color-primary!

I'm using $color-gray800!

I'm using $color-success!

<p class="has-primary-bg-color">I'm using $color-primary!</p>
<p class="has-gray800-bg-color">I'm using $color-gray800!</p>
<p class="has-success-bg-color">I'm using $color-success!</p>

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