
The JS API for Undernet is fairly straightforward. The main rule of thumb is to only use the JS when you know the DOM is ready. You can choose to start all components on the page or simply choose one by its id.

Enabling Undernet, including all its component scripts, is as easy as this:

<!-- At the end of body content -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Undernet is now  attached to the `window`
  if (document)
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

Core API

You can enable and disable all components on the global Undernet object using the start and stop methods.


This method starts and sets up events for one or more components on the page.

Undernet.start(id, useFocusRing)


id (string)

Default: undefined

Initializes one of each component with the specified data-* attribute value (e.g., its component id). If a component isn’t found, nothing happens.

useFocusRing (boolean)

Default: false

Enables the focus ring utility. Learn more.


This method tears down events for one or more components on the page. If the component has an overlay of any kind, such as a dropdown or modal, the overlay is closed before the teardown.

Undernet.stop(id, disableFocusRing)


id (string)

Default: undefined

Runs a teardown of one of each component with the specified data-* attribute value (e.g., its component id). If a component isn’t found, nothing happens.

disableFocusRing (boolean)

Default: false

Disables the focus ring utility and removes the using-keyboard class from the page.

Using Modules

If you use npm, the default export is the Undernet object, whose API is the same as above.

import Undernet from "undernet"

You can also do a named import of just one component or utility. Bonus: it’s tree-shakable if you use tools which enable the feature (webpack and rollup, for example).

import { Modals } from "undernet"

Handling Single Components

By default, using start or stop will cause Undernet to search the entire document for components. When using a UI framework such as React, however, that isn’t desirable. Instead, you can start/stop a single component instance by passing the unique component id to the API call (e.g., data-collapsible='some-unique-id' would be initialized by start('some-unique-id)).

Here’s an example of how that looks in practice with React hooks:

import { Collapsibles } from "undernet"
const COLLAPSIBLE_ID = "sidebar-collapsible"

export default function Sidebar(props) {
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => Collapsibles.stop(COLLAPSIBLE_ID)
  }, [])

  return (
    <div data-collapsible={COLLAPSIBLE_ID} class="collapsible">

When the component mounts, useEffect triggers start on the collapsible returned in JSX. Then, the stop call is made in the effect’s return value, or when the component is about to be unmounted.

Handling DOM State

If you’re removing/adding nodes from/to the DOM, you’ll need to be careful. Undernet isn’t smart enough to know that your DOM changed. Luckily most UI frameworks provide render-tied lifecycle hooks, so we can piggy back off of those!

Let’s extend the sidebar example from before, but this time we’ll toggle its visibility using a button:

const COLLAPSIBLE_ID = "sidebar-collapsible"

export default function Sidebar(props) {
  // 1
  const [sidebarIsVisible, setSidebarIsVisible] = useState(true)

  // 2
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => Collapsibles.stop(COLLAPSIBLE_ID)
  }, [])

  // 4
  useEffect(() => {
    if (sidebarIsVisible) Collapsibles.start(COLLAPSIBLE_ID)
  }, [sidebarIsVisible])

  // 3
  const handleClick = e => {
    if (sidebarIsVisible) Collapsibles.stop(COLLAPSIBLE_ID)

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Toggle Sidebar</button>
      {sidebarIsVisible && (
        <div data-collapsible={COLLAPSIBLE_ID} class="collapsible">

Using the comments above, here are the steps that occur:

  1. We create a state variable and state setter to indicate when the sidebar collapsible is visible. The sidebar is visible by default.

  2. When the component mounts, we simply return the stop call, as we’ll be handling start elsewhere. In this case, stop will be called when the component is unmounted. Calling stop even if the component isn’t visible is perfectly safe.

  3. Every time the toggle button is clicked, we check if the sidebar is visible. If it is, we call stop on the collapsible to clean up events in preparation for removing the component HTML from the page. Then, we set sidebarIsVisible to its opposite boolean value.

  4. Finally, a useEffect block runs because sidebarIsVisible was updated. If the new value is true, or the sidebar was newly made visible on the page, we run start to make the collapsible work again. Otherwise nothing happens.


Undernet comes with two utilities out of the box: createFocusRing and createFocusTrap. They can be initialized with start and stop methods as well. The signature of these utilities are different, however.


Create global event listeners on the page for keyboard and mouse behavior.

import { createFocusRing } from "undernet"
const focusRing = createFocusRing()

If tab, space, enter, or arrow keys are being used, you’re in “keyboard mode,” enabling a bright focus ring around the actively focused element.

As soon as a mouse is in use again, the ring goes away.



Begin listening for keyboard/mouse.


Stop listening for keyboard/mouse.


Create a focus trap within an container, optionally with custom behavior.

This utility is offered in case you need the functionality outside of the components provided in Undernet.

The function takes two arguments.

import { createFocusTrap } from "undernet"
const focusTrap = createFocusTrap(selector, options)


selector (string)


A string to be queried in the DOM; it will be treated as the container of possible focusable elements. If this is the only parameter given, tab and shift+tab will be the key-bindings used for trapping.

const focusTrap = createFocusTrap(".some-wrapper-element")
options (object)

Default: {}

Customize trapping behavior using the below options.

options.useArrows (boolean)

Default: false

Trap focus using up and down arrows.

const focusTrap = createFocusTrap(".some-wrapper-element", { useArrows: true })
options.children (array)

Default: []

Provide a custom array of elements to trap focus within. This overrides the element querying functionality of the utility.

const children = document.querySelectorAll(".focusable-element-class")
const focusTrap = createFocusTrap(".wrapper-element", { children })

NOTE: You should still pass a selector string for the wrapper as a fallback, in case children comes back empty. The main benefit being the selector will bail gracefully if there are still no children to trap focus on.

options.matchers (array)

Default: ["a", "button", "input", "object", "select", "textarea", "[tabindex]"]

Override the default matchers for focusable elements. Elements with is-visually-hidden are always excluded from the resulting focusable elements.

const focusTrap = createFocusTrap(".wrapper-element", {
  matchers: ["button", "input", ".elements-with-this-class"],



Begin trapping.


Stop trapping.

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