
There’s three ways to grab Undernet for your project: CDN, NPM, or the raw source code.

See related documentation to learn the patterns and API in the framework’s CSS and JavaScript.

CDN (easiest)

The quickest way to use Undernet is to link the bundled js and minified css using a CDN, such as jsdelivr. Note that this route doesn’t allow you to customize the style. For that, refer to the NPM or source code options further below.

Include the link tag before your custom CSS to get styles, and the script tag at the end of your <body> content.


    <!-- add other styles/css here -->
    <!-- add page content here -->

    <script type="text/javascript">
      // Undernet is now  attached to the `window`
      if (document)
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

Note that if you plan to link to and start Undernet via <script> tag, it’s recommended to add an event listener for DOMContentLoaded, as shown above, to ensure the page is ready.

Head over to the JavaScript page to see more examples, including in UI frameworks like React.

NPM or Yarn

Install and setup with npm or yarn.

$ npm install -D undernet
$ yarn add -D undernet

Unlike if you use the CDN, the default export of the module does not attach Undernet to the window.

Also, note that Undernet uses global DOM variables like window and document, which would normally break server-side rendering. To avoid conflicts, module scripts internally check against these globals before execution.

Again, reference the JavaScript page on examples and export options.

Getting Sass from the NPM module

When you import the Sass with NPM, you have two options:

  1. Import undernet.scss straight into a stylesheet (similar to linking to undernet.css, but it’s precompiled).
  2. Import two separate files: a config with Sass helpers, then a file with the core framework with optional style scope. This route enables deep brand customization.

In these examples, the Webpack shorthand ~ is used to access node_modules, however any alternative will do fine.

Option 1: Import undernet.scss

This is the most straightforward. Simply add an import one time in your application.

@import "~undernet/src/scss/undernet";

Option 2: Custom Setup

As mentioned, this method requires at least two files. The first file is your config, which will have Sass helpers like variables, functions, and mixins. This file can be imported wherever you want, as many times as you need, to get access to those utilities.

In your app, create a file called _config.scss like so:

@import "~undernet/src/scss/utilities/functions";

// Add config overrides here!

@import "~undernet/src/scss/config";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/utilities/mixins";

Note the comment; you can insert or import your variable overrides before the original config as all variables use the Sass !default rule.

The next file should import the core framework, including all elements, components, and class utilities (you can forego any components/elements that aren’t relevant to your needs). Only import this file once at the global level. Your custom config should be imported at the top.

Let’s call this next file _custom-undernet.scss:

@import "path/to/your/config";

// .#{$style-scope} {
@import "~undernet/src/scss/utilities/reset";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/layout/grid";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/elements/typography";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/elements/button";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/elements/form";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/components/collapsible";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/components/dropdown";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/components/modal";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/components/tooltip";
@import "~undernet/src/scss/utilities/classes";
// }
@import "~undernet/src/scss/utilities/globals";

Finally, import _undernet.scss to your app’s Sass entry file, wherever that might be:

@import "path/to/custom-undernet";
// all your other styles after

… or link to the compiled CSS in your layout, before your app-specific styles..

<link href="path/to/custom-undernet.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- all your other stylesheets/style tags after -->

If you used a style scope, you can put the import or link tag anywhere, just be conscious of how the style cascade will change if you do so.

Source Files

Lastly, if you want to host the source files or minified versions directly, you can do that too:

Minified & Compiled

Use these assets if you need static instances of the CDN bundled files.

Uncompiled & Unminified

Going this route allows for far more customization. Use this option if you intend to remove or customize your build by removing components and features you don’t need.

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