
Use a collapsible to hide or show a single panel of content.

Basic Collapsible

Check out this example collapsible:

It's just lorem ipsum. Consectetur eiusmod laboris in non id tempor exercitation ipsum cupidatat magna ipsum ut voluptate. A link, and another link!

<div class="collapsible" data-collapsible="collapsible-id">
    <button class="collapsible-trigger" id="collapsible-trigger-id" data-target="collapsible-id">
      Press to collapse
  <div class="collapsible-content" id="collapsible-id">
    <p class="has-p">
      It's just lorem ipsum. Consectetur eiusmod laboris in non id tempor exercitation ipsum
      cupidatat magna ipsum ut voluptate. <a href="#">A link, </a>and <a href="#">another link!</a>

Controlling Visibility

Any given collapsible’s content will be hidden by default. To force the content to be visible at page load, add data-visible="true" on the wrapper.

Sorry, just gibberish. Consectetur eiusmod laboris in non id tempor exercitation ipsum cupidatat magna ipsum ut voluptate. A link, and another link!

<div class="collapsible" data-collapsible="collapsible-id" data-visible="false">

Trigger & Content

You can use any trigger element you want for custom styling, although Undernet’s own collapsible-trigger class can get you started. Just be sure to add the correct data-* attributes and you’re good to go.

Similarly, you can replace the content element with any element you want as long as its id matches the trigger’s data-target attribute. You shouldn’t need to remove the collapsible-content class as its only purpose is visibility control.

Lastly, avoid adding margin or padding directly to the collapsible-content element; this will change collapse spacing and potentially break visibility. Instead, add a new element inside with its own margin/padding, as shown in the above examples.

Disabled State

Handle the disabled state using aria-disabled on the trigger. Avoid using the disabled attribute as it is not consistent between screen readers. Undernet will detect aria-disabled and mark the element and behavior appropriately.

Focusable Content

If you include links, buttons, or other focusable elements within collapsible content, tabindex="-1" is added to those elements while the content is not visible to ensure keyboard navigation remains on visible elements only.


Two main pieces are required: a single line of JS and correct HTML markup.


A collapsible needs a few attributes and classes to work correctly. A strict HTML structure is needed for accessibility.

<div class="collapsible" data-collapsible="collapsible-id">
    <button class="collapsible-trigger" id="collapsible-trigger-id" data-target="collapsible-id">
  <div class="collapsible-content" id="collapsible-id">

Primary Attributes

  • data-collapsible: the main attribute for a collapsible component. It should have a unique value matching its trigger’s data-target attribute.
  • data-target: an attribute on a trigger. It should have a value equal to the collapsible content’s id attribute.
  • data-visible: an attribute denoting if collapsible content is visible; false by default. Set to true if you want the collapsible to be expanded on page load.


A few key attributes are added for you when the collapsible is instantiated. These help assistive technologies know how to treat and navigate through the component.

  • Header: The collapsible trigger must have a header element that reflects the correct hierarchy of the page (h1, h2, etc…).
  • aria-labelledby: an attribute added to collapsible content, telling assistive technologies the content is associated with its corresponding trigger.
  • aria-controls: an attribute added to a trigger, telling assistive technologies which content block corresponds to it.
  • aria-expanded: an attribute added to a trigger, telling assistive technologies if collapsible content is visible.
  • aria-hidden: an attribute added to collapsible content, telling assistive technologies that the element can be ignored if it’s set to true.

See WAI-ARIA documentation on best-practices for the collapse UI pattern.

Styling Classes

  • collapsible: adds special styling for a trigger and content block.
  • collapsible-trigger: adds styling for a trigger.
  • collapsible-content: adds styling for a collapsible content block.


See Download documentation to see how to add the JS to your site, and JavaScript documentation to see general API details.

Call one of the following scripts from Undernet's JavaScript (not both!). This should happen only once on page load.


Alternatively, if you wish to initialize only a single component instance, you can pass a string denoting the id used in your data-collapsible attribute:


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